Allison Guilbault
Mindful Mental Health
You are ready for more.
You are not new to this.
You put significant energy into your wellness.
You have a positive mindset and might even practice meditation, mindfulness, yoga or all of the above.
You are hard-working, caring, and empathetic.
You have a career, a family, or possibly are even managing both.
You're familiar with personal growth, listen to the podcasts, read the books, follow the influencers, may have even gone on a retreat.
You are the person people depend on- the one who offers to host Christmas, answers emails on vacations, bakes for the school bake sale, picks up a friend from the airport, lends a supportive ear.
You have accomplished many of the goals you have set for yourself.
From the outside, you have it all together.
People think you're living your best life.

And yet...

You have gotten complacent.
Risks seem irresponsible and major risks seem impossible.
You wonder how it is possible you can feel so proud in certain areas of your life (like, at work) but still continue to struggle in others (like, say, feeling sexy in the bedroom).
There is a voice inside telling you that life is supposed to look like more than this, that you are meant for more than mediocrity and the grind.
While it may only feel like a whisper, there is something inside of you that just knows you haven’t reached your peak- that there has to be more than this.
You crave, not just superficially, but, viscerally, from the bottom of your soul essence, to be aligned to the things that light you up, make you sparkle, ignite your inner goddess energy.
You know it is there, calling, but the sounds of your own doubt, your fears, other people’s opinions... keep gaslighting you to thinking you are being insane, irresponsible, immature.
Despite that, it won’t stop calling you, because you know that you are meant for greatness.
You might just need a little help getting there.
Awaken your goddess.
Stop playing small & step into the legacy you were meant to embody.
This 30+ page FREE guide provides an easy-to-follow tutorial on how to activate radical self-love, change your mindset and transform doubt and insecurity into confidence & empowerment.
It is perfect for newbies to mindset work and/or those who are looking for a refresher on how to cultivate more self-love and compassion into their daily life.
This guide will cover:
Why self-love is so important
Daily exercises you can start today to activate confidence now
The brain science behind manifestation and how to cultivate it in your life right now
How to redirect doubt and transform it into confidence
Exercises designed to help you generate curiosity, radiate clarity and embrace your power.
...and so much more.
Get the Guide!

What you will get:

Meet me.
Meet me.

Oh hey you!
My name is Allison I am a Licensed Therapist and Transformation Coach (think confidence, empowerment & mindset!) and International Speaker. I specialize in anxiety, trauma and sex & intimacy, but my true passion is helping people, particularly women, let go of guilt and shame, say goodbye to anxiety, break the cycles that are holding them back and live a life that is lead by passion and purpose, rather than from pressure.
Whether you are a lady-boss, a non-stop moving mom, the housekeeper, your family's planner, an organizational mastermind, or all of the above, it is time to stop spinning, stop struggling to be it all, and stop living on the brink of losing you freaking mind.
No matter if you are seeking therapy to heal from trauma or release anxieties that have been getting in your way, or you are looking for specialized coaching to tap into your highest purpose, I help women release old, dusty narratives ("I am too old", "It's too late", "I can't do this"...) and replace them with ones that honor their core values and limitless possibilities. I help women restore their confidence, reconnect to their inherent self worth and become unstoppable.