Allison Guilbault
Mindful Mental Health
Does this sound like you?
You are not new to this.
You put significant energy into your wellness.
You have a positive mindset and might even practice meditation, mindfulness, yoga or all of the above. You are hard-working, caring, and empathetic.
You have a career, a family, or possibly are even managing both.
You're familiar with personal growth, listen to the podcasts, read the books, follow the influencers, may have even gone on a retreat.
People count on you. You are the one to offer to stay late at work, to host Christmas, to bake for the bake sale, to pick the kids up at the mall.
You have accomplished many of the goals you have set for yourself.
You are doing all of the things you were told you were supposed to do to be happy, whole and complete.

And yet...

The math just ain't mathin.
You feel exhausted.
You find yourself saying yes out of obligation, rather than out of actual desire.
You would be embarrassed for people to know how often you overthink, second guess yourself.
You find yourself changing your outfit at least a dozen times before meeting a friend for a drink.
You cringe when someone tags you in a picture without showing you first.
You find yourself apologizing to the waitress when you want an extra side of salad dressing.
You are scared to tell your partner(s) what you want for fear of being "too much".
You still keep the lights on during sex and/or feel incredibly self-conscious naked.
You don’t tell your friend that your feelings were hurt when they cancelled lunch for fear of sounding dramatic
Asking for help feels like you are being a burden, even though you would never think that of someone asking you.
You have trouble saying "thank you" or even believing it when someone gives you a compliment.
The mean girl bully in your brain just won't STFU, especially at night
You know that you weren't always insecure. There was a time when you used to put on a bathing suit just because you wanted to swim, and a girl who used to raise her hand before second guessing if she really knew the answer.
But somewhere in between then and now, life seems to have stripped away little bits and you find yourself secretly lonely and feeling at least mildly lost.
You crave confidence again.
Say goodbye to insecurity &
hello to confidence
once and for all
This 30+ page FREE guide provides an easy-to-follow tutorial on how to activate radical self-love, change your mindset and transform doubt and insecurity into confidence & empowerment.
It is perfect for newbies to mindset work and/or those who are looking for a refresher on how to cultivate more self-love and compassion into their daily life.
This guide will cover:
Why self-love is so important
Daily exercises you can start today to activate self-love right now
The brain science behind mantras and affirmations
How to cultivate mindfulness in your life so that you can quiet your mind
How to redirect doubt and transform it into confidence
...and so much more.
What you will get:

Meet me.
Meet me.

Oh hey you!
My name is Allison I am a Licensed Therapist and Transformation Coach (think confidence, empowerment & mindset!) and International Speaker. I specialize in anxiety, trauma and sex & intimacy, but my true passion is helping people, particularly women, let go of guilt and shame, say goodbye to anxiety, break the cycles that are holding them back and live a life that is lead by passion and purpose, rather than from pressure.
Whether you are a lady-boss, a non-stop moving mom, the housekeeper, your family's planner, an organizational mastermind, or all of the above, it is time to stop spinning, stop struggling to be it all, and stop living on the brink of losing you freaking mind.
No matter if you are seeking therapy to heal from trauma or release anxieties that have been getting in your way, or you are looking for specialized coaching to tap into your highest purpose, I help women release old, dusty narratives ("I am too old", "It's too late", "I can't do this"...) and replace them with ones that honor their core values and limitless possibilities. I help women restore their confidence, reconnect to their inherent self worth and become unstoppable.