Allison Guilbault
Mindful Mental Health
Break up with booze. Ditch hangovers.
Stop shame-spiraling.
I see you over there:
wondering what life would be like without alcohol.
No more hangovers.
No more broken promises to yourself that you'll only have one.
No more waking up with a racing heart, a dry mouth and raging hangxiety.
No more cringing thinking about what you said, or did, or texted last night.
No more decision fatigue over all the rules that you keep setting for yourself- just one, just wine, just on weekends.
and instead:
More time for hobbies and that skincare routine you've always wanted to actually commit to.
Actual rest rather than ruptured sleep.
Energy and motivation for things that actually matter, things your higher purpose and deeper intuition is yearning for.
Deep, intentional relationships with interesting conversations that you remember.
If this party-girl can quit,
so can you.
A Guide to Surviving Dry January.

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This 30+ page guide includes my favorite tips on:
How to reframe thinking that you are missing out, to realizing what you are gaining!
How to connect with like-minded people and find sober support.
How to approach the dreaded question,
"Why are you not drinking?"
What books to buy and accounts to follow to set yourself up for success.
Meet me.
Meet me.

My name is Allison. I am a Licensed Therapist, Empowerment and Confidence Coach and an International Speaker. I have a pretty badass resume, but the thing that is probably most relevant to this guide is that once-upon-a-time, I used to be a hardcore party girl.
From dive bars to exclusive celebrity clubs, I was no stranger to living it up in NYC for more than two decades. Not only did I always love a good party, I moonlighted as a NYC bartender (and am still currently married to a nightclub owner), so I could find booze (usually free) anytime, anywhere.
I tell you this because I want you to know that I wasn’t always a teetotaler.
I used to LOVE to party. It was fun, exciting, exhilarating...
until it wasn’t.
Hangovers were harder to bounce back from.
I started to wake up in the middle of the night with a racing heart and dry mouth, panicking about the things I said or (worse) things I texted.
I was always at least a bit tired, relying on caffeine to pop me back up but then making it harder to obtain authentic, restful sleep.
I wasn’t writing the book I dreamed of writing.
I sometimes skipped the gym.
My conversations with drunken friends were starting to get stale and repetitive.
I was fighting with my partner more.
I was trusting myself less.
I had a great job that I never called out to.
I always paid my bar bills.
I had a rad NYC apartment.
I was popular.
I wasn’t reaching my highest purpose.
I was keeping myself small.
I was stuck.
I knew it was time to quit alcohol.
While, it did take me several attempts (and several years), I managed to make it happen. Alcohol is now so small in my life that it is non-existent.
And now?
I am writing that book.
I have a podcast.
I have successful career.
I love my family.
I made a human.
I travel the world.
And if this party-girl can do it,
so can you.